Engine Oils

In the Middle East, where extreme temperatures are the norm, our premium engine oils are designed to excel. These oils are the lifeblood of your engines, offering unparalleled protection and efficiency. Crafted with advanced formulations, they ensure your machinery and vehicles perform optimally, even in scorching heat. Count on our engine oils to enhance the longevity of your engines and maintain peak performance.


Chocolates,Nuts &Dates

Indulge in the Middle East’s exquisite culinary delights with our selection of chocolates, nuts, and dates. These premium treats embody the region’s rich flavors and traditions. Our chocolates are crafted with the finest ingredients, delivering a melt-in-your-mouth experience. Meanwhile, our nuts, sourced from select orchards, offer a perfect blend of crunch and taste. Finally, our dates from Saudi Arabia, renowned worldwide, are a symbol of Middle Eastern excellence, known for their exceptional sweetness and quality.



Elevate your senses with our exclusive Middle Eastern perfumes. Our fragrances are a blend of tradition and luxury, capturing the essence of the region. Each perfume is meticulously crafted, using the finest ingredients and age-old techniques, resulting in scents that are both unique and enduring. Immerse yourself in the world of Middle Eastern perfumery, where each bottle tells a story of heritage, artistry, and sophistication.


PVC , HDP Pipes & Fittings

Our PVC and HDPE pipes and fittings are engineered to meet the demanding infrastructure needs of the Middle East. Designed for longevity and efficiency, they are the backbone of numerous construction projects in the region. Whether it’s transporting water, gas, or industrial fluids, our pipes and fittings are known for their reliability. They are resistant to corrosion and withstand the harsh Middle Eastern climate, ensuring that your infrastructure remains secure and operational.